
قیامت کی نشانیاں
اول یہ کہ لونڈی اپنی مالکہ کو جنے․․․․․۔ اس کی تشریح اہل علم نے کئی طرح کی ہے، سب سے بہتر توجیہ یہ معلوم ہوتی ہے کہ اس میں اولاد کی نافرمانی کی طرف اشارہ ہے، مطلب یہ کہ قربِ قیامت میں اولاد اپنے والدین سے اس قدر برگشتہ ہوجائے گی کہ لڑکیاں جن کی فطرت ہی والدین کی اطاعت، خصوصاً والدہ سے محبت اور پیار ہے، وہ بھی ماں باپ کی بات اس طرح ٹھکرانے لگیں گی جس طرح ایک آقا اپنے زرخرید غلام لونڈی کی بات کو لائق توجہ نہیں سمجھتا، گویا گھر میں ماں باپ کی حیثیت غلام لونڈی کی ہوکر رہ جائے گی۔ دوسری نشانی یہ بیان فرمائی کہ وہ لوگ جن کی کل تک معاشرے میں کوئی حیثیت نہ تھی، جو ننگے پاوٴں اور برہنہ جسم جنگل میں بکریاں چرایا کرتے تھے وہ بڑی بڑی بلڈنگوں میں فخر کیا کریں گے۔ یعنی رذیل لوگ معزز ہوجائیں گے۔ ان دو نشانیوں کے علاوہ قربِ قیامت کی اور بہت سی علامتیں حدیثوں میں بیان کی گئی ہیں۔ مگر یہ سب قیامت کی “چھوٹی نشانیاں” ہیں، اور قیامت کی بڑی بڑی نشانیاں جن کے ظاہر ہونے کے بعد قیامت کے آنے میں زیادہ دیر نہیں ہوگی، یہ ہیں: ۱:…حضرت مہدی علیہ الرضوان کا ظاہر ہونا اور بیت اللہ شریف کے سامنے رکن اور مقام کے درمیان لوگوں کا ان کے ہاتھ پر بیعتِ خلافت کرنا۔ ۲:…ان کے زمانے میں کانے دجال کا نکلنا اور چالیس دن تک زمین میں فساد مچانا۔ ۳:…اس کو قتل کرنے کے لئے حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کا آسمان سے نازل ہونا۔ ۴:…یاجوج ماجوج کا نکلنا۔ ۵:…دابة الارض کا صفا پہاڑی سے نکلنا۔ ۶:…سورج کا مغرب کی جانب سے طلوع ہونا اور یہ قیامت کی سب سے بڑی نشانی ہوگی، جس سے ہر شخص کو نظر آئے گا کہ اب زمین و آسمان کا نظام درہم برہم ہوا چاہتا ہے اور اب اس نظام کے توڑ دینے اور قیامت کے برپا ہونے میں زیادہ دیر نہیں ہے۔ اس نشانی کو دیکھ کر لوگوں پر خوف و ہراس طاری ہوجائے گا مگر یہ اس عالم کی نزع کا وقت ہوگا، جس طرح نزع کی حالت میں توبہ قبول نہیں ہوتی، اسی طرح جب سورج مغرب سے طلوع ہوگا تو توبہ کا دروازہ بند ہوجائے گا۔ اس قسم کی کچھ بڑی بڑی نشانیاں اور بھی آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے بیان فرمائی ہیں۔ قیامت ایک بہت ہی خوفناک چیز ہے، اللہ تعالیٰ ہم سب کو اس کے لئے تیاری کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائیں اور قیامت کے دن کی رسوائیوں اور ہولناکیوں سے اپنی پناہ میں رکھیں۔
فتنہٴ دجال سے حفاظت کے لئے سورہٴ کہف جمعہ کے دن پڑھنے کا حکم ہے، کم از کم اس کی پہلی اور پچھلی دس دس آیتیں تو ہر مسلمان کو پڑھتے رہنا چاہئے، اور ایک دعا حدیث شریف میں یہ تلقین کی گئی ہے: “اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنِّیْ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنْ عَذَابِ جَھَنَّمَ وَاَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ وَاَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِیْحِ الدَّجَّالِ۔ اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنِّیْ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْیَا وَالْمَمَاتِ۔ اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنِّیْ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنَ الْمَأْثَمِ وَالْمَغْرَمِ۔” ترجمہ:…”اے اللہ! میں تیری پناہ چاہتا ہوں جہنم کے عذاب سے اور تیری پناہ چاہتا ہوں قبر کے عذاب سے اور تیری پناہ چاہتا ہوں مسیح دجال کے فتنے سے۔ اے اللہ! میں تیری پناہ چاہتا ہوں زندگی اور موت کے ہر فتنے سے۔ اے اللہ! میں تیری پناہ چاہتا ہوں گناہ سے اور قرض و تاوان سے۔”

ELIN Substitute - Full Text downloadable within PU only (This Search include 30 Databases)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


NJB Academy
021-35832647, 35823286

Librarians (Last Date: 14-05-2013)

Photocopy of their complete documents, and photograph.

For further information please contact: 052-4562977
The Vision Group of Colleges
Saidpur Gondal Road

Librarian (Last Date: 20-4-2013)

MSc library sciences
18-30 years
Application + CV + attested documents + snap
Additional Registrar
Peshawar High court
Daira Ismail Khan Bench

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Management cum Library Assistant (Last Date: 22-04-2013)

HSSP 2013/003
Graduate degree or equivalent
3-5 years experience
good knowledge of MS Office, MS Excel & Power point
proficient in urdu and enlgish (written and verbal)
interested candidates send cv at (mentioning job title and reference no as subject line)
Postal Address
PO Box 2993

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Librarian (Last Date: 14-04-2013)

Experience: Min 2 years
Diploma / Course : Diploma in Library
Send Cvs at hrdte@dhai.com.pk
Defence Housing Authority
Defence Mall
Defence Avenue Phase-I
Islamabad 44000

111-555-400 (163)

Monday, April 8, 2013

LIBRARIAN (Last Date: 17-04-2013)

- MUS/ BLIS from any HEC recognized university
- Female candidates will be preferred.
- Candidates over 30 years of age will be given priority
- Candidate who don't believe that tuition system will be appreciated
- Those candidate who believe in team work and intend to stay consistently will be over choice.
Applications alongwith CV and all the testimonials with CNIC copy, experience certificates and 2 passport size photographs apply on line
NISA Girls Colleges has emerged as the pioneer female education center establishing its campuses in Lahore, Sialkot, Kharian & Sargodha (multi locations)

Librarian (Last Date: 22-04-2013)

3 years Experience
Age: 30-45
preference will be given to those having experience in parliamentary or legislative institutions with international exposure and sound experience in reference services
Government employee apply through proper channel
applications are invited on prescribed performa which can be downloaded from
Additional Director (Human Resources)
Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services
Ataturk Avenue, Near Kashmir House
Sector F-5/2, Islslamabad

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Staff (Last Date: 08-04-2013)

candidates may drop cvs alongwith attested documents at
Global Degree College Peshawar
Back Side Lasania Restaurant
University Road, Peshawar

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Assistant Librarian & Library Assistant (Last Date: 17-04-2013)

Assistant Librarian (Last Date: 17-04-2013)
MLIS with minimum CGPA 3 (1st Division)
mst have 2 1st divisions from matriculation to bachelor degree
Experience: 2 years
excellent command on ILS KOHA, Virtua, US MARC, AACR2/RDA, EDDC, LC Subject Heading, Scripting
Age: 23-28

Library Assistant (Last Date: 17-04-2013)
Bachelor of Library * Information Science (BLIS) with 1st Division preference givent to those holding MLIS with Minimum CGPA 3 (1st Division)
Candidate must have 2 1st divisions from matriculation to bachelor degree
1 year experience
should know the use of ILS system cataloging and clasdsification tools according to modern techniques
Age: 20-25

cv + attested copies + 2 snaps
application form is avaiable at
must write name of vacancy at cordner of envelop in prominent words
Government employee apply through proper channel

Monday, April 1, 2013

Librarian (BPS-17) (Last Date: 15-04-2013)

Minimum Qualification and Experience:
- 1st Class MLS or equivalent degree in Library Sciences from HEC recognized University/ Institution.
- Three years of Experience in Academic Institution's Library.
Responsibilities and Technical Skills:
- Excellent analytical, searching and referral skills.
- Experience of using online resources and research tools like EndNote, Turnitin etc.
- Good knowledge and exposure to VIRTUA, RFID, Dspace and similar library technologies.
- Ability to manage information products and provide information literacy to faculty and students.
- Aptitude to manage circulation and other user services.
- Exposure and skills to exploit web applications, multimedia and social media.
- Experience in acquisitions through local and international publishers and online resources (Amazon etc).
Salary Package:
Last Date to Apply Apr 15, 2013
Please send your application, one recent color photograph and complete CV along with relevant documents latest by April 15, 2013 along with a Bank Draft/ Pay Order for Rs. 500/- in favour of Sukkur
Sukkur Institute of Business Administration, Airport Road, Sukkur
Ph: 071-5630272-5806080 UAN: 071 (111-785-422) Ext: 188 Fax: 071-5804425
Application form may be downloaded from the Institute's website: www.iba-suk.edu.pk
Note: Kindly mark the position on the envelope.

Librarian (Last Date: 06-04-2013)

send cv with relevant documents
Postal Address
Paigham College
B-841 Commercial Market Opposite Children Park Satellite Town
051-4454678, 0335-5913255-7-8

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Librarian (Test Date: 28-04-2013)

6 Positions
3 Years Experience
IT Skills
Fluent in English
application form and online deposit slip available on NTS

please deposit test fee through the prescribed deposit slip at the online branches of ABL, UBL, HBL OR MCB
candidates shall submit application form duly filled in alongwith test fee of Rs. 700/- in favor of
National Testing Service, copy of cnic and two recent snaps directly to NTS through courier on the address mentioned on application form
Last Date: 12-04-2013
Candidates are required to send their applications on presribed application form along with an online deposit slip (in original) at
96, Street-04
Sector H-8/1

Monday, March 25, 2013

Librarian (Last Date: 29-03-2013)

Graduate in Library Science
MLIS (2nd class)
Experience in Residential Institution
Age: 25-35
Application + CV + Attested Certificate + Snap
Postal Address
SSo (Education)
Headquarter Coaster Command
10 Liaquat Baruqs
021-48506811, 03342104897, 03412365787

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Female Librarian (Last Date: 24-03-2013)

Send cv at bellow address or email
Bin Haleem High School
Mohammadi Square Qambo
Near Motorway Interchange Ring Road

Monday, March 18, 2013

Librarian (20-03-2013)

Basic Approach System of Education (BASE)
BASE college of Commerce & Science
Alquraish Manzil GT Road Gujar Khan
BASE School System
Aziz & Khadija Mension
GT Road Gujar Khan

Librarian (Last Date: 03-04-2013)

No. of Posts: 02
Matric Science (2nd Div)
Exp: 3 years
Age: 8-30
Rs. 100 Bank Draft in Favor Army Aviation School Gujranwala Cantt
Headquarter 303 Army Aviation Group
Gujranwala Cantt

Assistant Senior Librarian (Last Date: 20-03-2013)

Job Description:
MLIS or BLIS 3 to 5 years of experience. Candidate must be well versed in cataloguing & classification, management of digital library operation/ e-resources arrangements etc. Individual having experience in use/implementation of computer based information system for publication/literature search will be preferred.

Applicants must submit copies of all educational documents/ experience certificates. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Only short-listed candidates will be considered/called for test/interview etc. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by HR within 04 weeks’ time.

Librarian (Last Date: 29-03-2013)

BPS: 16
Qualification: Graduation with Diploma in Library Sciences from any university recognized by HEC OR 2nd Class or Grade 'C Master's degree in Library Science.
Experience: Experience as Librarian in any residential institution will be preferred.
Age: 25-35
General Conditions:
- The detailed CV along with attested copies of Educational Documents, Experience Certificates, CNIC & recent photo with address & contact number should be submitted to SSO (Edu) at HQs Coastal Command, 10, Liaquat Barracks, Karachi by 29 March, 2013.
- Applicant already in service should apply through proper channel.
- No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates for test & interview.
- Incomplete and late received applications will not be entertained.
- Written test shall be conducted on 21 April, 2013 at selected Pakistan Navy Recruitment & Selection Centers, Short-listed candidates shall be called for an interview and demonstration of teaching skill between 03 to 14 June, 2013.

Junior Naval Academy
Phone: 021-48506811
03342104897, 03412365787

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Assistant Librarian (Last Date: 31-03-2013)

​This job is intended to run the collection /material management operations and its technical processing for the library to support its information services and to build the institutional capacity for improving quality of education through educational programmes, research, academic partnerships, and policy initiatives.

The successful candidate will assist the Librarian in the management of University library of the Aga Khan University – Institute for Educational Development (IED) campus, located in Karimabad. Specifically, s/he will be responsible to:
- assess the available collection and evolve a collection development policy
- build the collection by adding print and electronic resources
- audit journals and electronic resources annually
- classify, catalogue and data entry of the library material in MARC environment
- conduct information literacy sessions and Library Skills Development programmes
- stock taking of the library material.
​Candidates should have:
- Masters in Library and Information Sciences from a HEC recognized university
- 2-3 years’ experience in managing modern libraries preferably academic libraries
- sound knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, MARC, and Dublin Core Metadata
- good command over the Microsoft Office, Front Page, and Dreamweaver, etc.
- familiarity with research repositories
- knowledge of Integrated Library Systems
- good organization and time management skills
- excellent communications skills both oral and written
- an ability to take initiatives and a creative approach to problem solving.

To Apply
Interested candidates should send their detailed CV by email to  recruitment@aku.edu
Please mention the position applied for in the subject line.

Librarian (Last Date: 15-03-2013)

Experience: 2-3 years
Application alongwith cv bearing passport size photograph attested photocopies of tstimonials must reach
Army Public School (SCO)
C/o 62 Signal Battalion Misrial Complex

Friday, March 8, 2013

Female Asst. Librarian

The International School required a female Asst. Librarian, interested candidates send their CV at:
for further queries please contact
Ammarah Siddiqui
The International School
51- C , Old Clifton near Mohatta Palace, Karachi.
35835804 - Ext 20.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Librarian (Last Date: 18-03-2013)

Temporary, Likely to continue
Directorate general of special education
ministry of capital administration and development
1. Graduate with diploma in library science
2. 2 years post qualification experience in BS-16 or equivalent in relevant field
Age: 22-30 plus five years general relaxation
Domicile: Punjab
Both Male and Female
Application fee Rs. 300/- may be deposited in nearest government treasury or in a brance of national bank of pakistan or state treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of govnerment under head
"C02101-ORGANS of State Examination Fee Realized by FPSC"
Bank Draff/ Cheque not acceptable
apply online for posts by a signed hard copy of application alongwith original treasury receipt plus all necessary documents

Friday, March 1, 2013

Principal Librarian & Librarian (Last Date: 14-03-2013)

Principal Librarian
Ph.D. in Library Science from a HEC recognized University with 07 years professional–cum–administrative experience. Must have computer proficiency.
M.S./M.Phil degree in Library Science from an HEC recognized University with 10 years profession-cum-administrative experience. Must have computer proficiency.
Master’s Degree (B-grade at least 65% marks in Semester System/1st Division in Annual Exam. System) in Library Science/ Information Sciences from a HEC recognized University with 12 years professional–cum–administrative experience in BPS-17 and above. Must have computer proficiency.

M.S./M.Phil degree in Library Science from HEC recognized University. Experience person will be preferred. Must have computer proficiency.
Master’s degree (B-grade at least 65% marks in Semester System/1st Division in Annual Exam. System) or equivalent in Library Science/ Information Science from a HEC recognized University with 02 years relevant experience. Must have computer proficiency.

Applications duly complete in all respect along-with attested copies of testimonials, experience certificates (two sets) and NOC from the present employer (if any) on the prescribed form obtainable from website www.iiu.edu.pk for the posts in BPS-17 & above along with crossed postal order/pay order/bank draft for Rs.300/= in favor of Director (Finance) IIU.
for Education, Experience etc visit

Postal Adress
Deputy Director
HR-V Section
International Islamic University
Admin Block
New Campus
Sector H-10

Monday, February 25, 2013

Librarian (Last Date: 04-03-2013)

- Experience from a reputed English medium school will be preferred.
Peak Montessori and High School
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Apply Instructions for This Job
If you are available for a full-time job, dedicated and enthusiastic about teaching, you can apply by sending CV with latest photograph on below mentioned address

For Main Campus
Peak Montessori & High School
St. 10, Hafizabad, Marble Industry
Area Westridge, Rawalpindi.

For Peshawar Road Campus:
Peak Montessori & School
Near Chinese Hospital, Chur
Chowk, Westridge 1, Rawalpindi

Email: peakedu@yahoo.com
Tel: 051-5461920

Library Clerk (Last Date: 11-03-2013)

Matric + typing speed 30 WMP
Age: 18-30
Marit : Sindh
application on form alongwith snap
Postal Address
PO Box 1534
GPO Rawalpindi
Bring original documents at the time of Test/Interview

Librarian (Last Date: 28-01-213)

Exp: 2 years + good communication
Post CV + Application at
Postal Address
Malair Cantt

Librarian (29-03-2013)

One Year Contract
BLIS with Diploma
2nd class or Grade C MLIS
Age: 25-35
CV + Application + Attested Photocopies + Snap
SSO (Education)
Coaster Comand
10 Liaqat Bairuqs
021-48506811, 03342104897, 03412365787

Library Assistant (Last Date: 25-03-2013)

On Regular / Leave Posts
Age: 18-25
Matric + Hafiz e Quran OR Arabic knowledge
Application on Prescribed Form
Muhammad Rasheed
Admin Officer
Islami Nazriati Council
46 - Ata Turk Avenue
Sector G-5/2
form can be downloaded www.cii.gov.pk